Monday, November 22, 2010

Catching Up on Days

Xander's! My gosh it's been a while since I sat down and thought about the many new things that you are now doing, for example climbing out of your crib, eating alone, speaking much more, mastering the langueges of  English and Spanish, and the list goes on and on...
In regards to special events - Your titi nexi, Tio hector & Emma came down to Miami for to visit us. You had a blast with Emma. We even took you guys to a Heat basketball game, and ate deliouse bananna and strawberry panckakes. You also have had some time to spent time with your Amigo Milan, and David. Little by little you both have been recignizing that you will be amigos for a while so sharing is caring. :)

You been enjoying the fall very much - with Thanksgiving a couple of days away, you had a Thanksgiving lunch with all of your friends and teachers. it was great. Mami over here had to make Turkey sanwiches... and I heard that they were a great hit!
We are looking  forward to going to Orlando for Thanksgiving and celebrating it with our family and friends from over there! Stay tuned for stories and plenty of pictures.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Hi Xander's!  Wow... This weekend was a blast! We celebrated what is called here in the US "Fall Harvest" - and what others call Halloween. You were the cutest thing in the world. You had two costumes. Super Man, and a cute fuzzy bear that was given to you by your buddy Milan his parents. You were able to wear both of these costumes a couple of times since we had several of events that called for them. Through out this time you had your fall Harvest Concert at school, Your Tio Adrian's 30th birthday party, Halloween on the Mile, Yo Gaba Gaba concert, and last but not least Halloween day in which you also wore a costume. It was so much fun to hear everyone's awww... and uhhhh when they saw you.

Also miles and miles away, your primita Emma and Analise were also wearing their costumes. I had to post it in today's blog, because they looked the cutest! Should I say, the cutest two little girls out of all the costumes, and kids that we saw this weekend? :) Next year we hope to get you, Analise, and Emma together so that you guys can have fun and enjoy yourself in new costumes. Stay Tuned for next year....  

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Big 2!

Alexander - Yesterday you turned 2! We can't believe it. As I was telling papa, time flies when you're having fun.
Let's just say that we have been celebrating your birthday since two weeks ago. Last year we decided to have a huge birthday party for your first birthday, but this year we decided to do it a bit different.

Two weeks ago we went ahead and left to Orlando, Florida - We went to Disney World! It started off with breakfast with the characters. Titi Nexi also joined us with your primita Analise, and Emma, also including our friend Anibal and baby Anibal as well. We had a blast. It was the first time you have ever had some type of encounter with any huge character, and I must say that you did amazing!

It was also priceless to see you with Analise & Emma - Ana with her sweet smile, and Emma making you hold her hand. After breakfast we walked around, and were able to share some time as a family.

During breakfast we were able to take pictures with Donald Duck and Goofy! The breakfast was incredible.

We then, headed to our hotel which was also in Disney property, and headed to the hotel pool. Your abuelita Fanny, came over and joined us. You had a blast.

In the evening, Titi Nexi, Tio Hector, Titi Tata, Emma, Analise, Anibal & baby Anibal joined us for dinner at the hotel. Then we all headed to Downtown Disney. 

Disney Day - Disney World was "Magical". You're a big fan of The Mickey Mouse Club House cartoons, so to you going to Disney World was like being in another world.
I think the pictures and videos will say it all, and I can't wait to take you again.

After Disney World, we left back to Miami, and on the actual day of your birthday we decided to take cupcakes to your classroom, and have you enjoy your birthday with all of your friends.

At the end of the day we then celebrated it with all of our amazing close friends that we share a lot of our time. Actually, they are also all of your babysitters, when Mama and Papa want to go out on an outing. These people are terrific and we hope that they stay part of your life forever!!!! Also let’s special thank them for their friendship, and love that they have offered you since the day that you were born!
Thank you: Padrino, Titi Rosdaysi, Titi Kristen, Tia Naty, Tio Adrian, Titi Jessica, Tio Oscar, and also abuelita Ivette that also attended your celebration. It was so much fun! We played Ping the Donkey, sang you happy birthday, and you opened all of your presents!

We love you Xander’s! You bring joy to our hearts!!! We pray that God gives you many years to enjoy what God, and what Papa and Mama have to offer you. You have been an inspiration to our lives! Thank you for being our son – Adrian Alexander Sanchez! 2 and many more!!!!!!  

Monday, October 11, 2010

An Active Child

Evidence indicates that Americans are becoming increasingly sedentary, and inactivity has a dramatic impact on a person's health and overall well-being. Children learn and form habits associated with activity level very early in life from parents. In fact, research indicates that children's activity level during the preschool years is an excellent predictor of their living habits as adults. Children need learning activities that involve their senses and bodies.

I truly believe in this fact, and as parents we try to live by it with Alexander! 

Ever since Alexander was three months old, Manny and I made it a habit to take him out. Whether it was a stroll in the park, or a walk through the Botanical Garden. We would speak and explain to him how the trees are green, and how we need them for oxygen. Of course, I also took the time to make it a picture day, and make it an event. We did the whole strolling him around the park until the day that he learned how to walk, and then it became a different game time - It was then as it still is now a play time at the park, with slides, monkey bars, swings, dirt, tree climbing and all that good old park stuff.

At around 10 months, we realized that the park was not enough, so we decided to enlist him in swimming classes. Now this has been a purely great investment. Alexander is now 23 months and I must proudly say that he is swimming like a champ! It's a parent and me class, and not only does has he learned how to swim, but how to also follow directions. He has a blast which I think it's the most important thing of all. He knows that every Sunday morning, mama & Papa are taking him to swimming classes. 

School for Alexander has also been a factor - Monday through Friday he attends a great school around our house, which includes art, music, reading time, play time, and bible study.

Each child is different - You can do all of these things on a day to day basis, and it does not mean that one child is going to be smarter than the other, or that the child is going to become a CEO - Lawyer - Doctor, it just means that from his early childhood all he knows is to be an active person in life, so the probability for him to be an active and healthy person as a teenager or an adult are very high.
                                          3 months old at the Botanical Garden - Being very active lol
                                                      at the farmers Market